Erasmus+ Project ECOSERVE - 619060-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
The purpose of the ECOSERVE project is to equip students with a holistic perspective over ecosystem services and learn about collective responsibility towards environmental protection and prevention of further damaging situations. The aim of the project is preparing future specialists to deal with the complexity of the topic, making it factual and with a view on local, regional, and international situations, using different approaches.
Novel contexts such as biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and ecosystem services education require novel methods of teaching and teachers needs to be supported in acquiring and developing innovative teaching and assessment methods to increase all-around student’s citizens and transversal skills in students.
A key objective of the project is to develop a professional master’s program in ecosystem services in protected areas, taking into account the demand for specialists in public services, private service providers, and the tourism business. Together with social partners (NGOs) and PA administrations as job providers, two Russian universities – Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University and the Buryat State Agricultural Academy, and two universities in Mongolia – the private university Eco-Asia EMU and the Mongolian University of Life Sciences – will develop and implement practice-oriented master programs in the industry.
As а part of this program the following activities are planned - working meetings, internships, international conferences and seminars.
Link to project website: ECOSERVE
(Link: )